Sunday, February 05, 2006

Potential Stock

1. 禽流感影響下的受益者
2. 青島的加工廠下半年投產, 可以帶動毛利
3. 中漁於星交所上市, 除了有特殊收益, 負債比率亦可以降致較合理的55%
4. valuePartner 最近增持

風險: 行政及財務開支頗大, 負債又重

Blogger 的詳細研究

1. 近期零售業保持暢旺
2. 現價已充份反映租金上漲的負面影響
3. 旅客持續上升 (睇下disneyland 就知)
4. 非常落後, 國企及恆指見頂後, 可能成為游資的炒作對象
5. 大部份的股息都頗吸引
6. 592, 178, 113, 709, 653, 398...

風險: 禽流感


股怪 said...

yes !
i hold #398: Div >5 %, also seem start increase the payout ratio in recent interim report ( 9/05: 2.5 c vs 2 c of 9/04)

for sharing

股怪 said...


recall the below fr. my blog ?
I like 304, but my impression about 398 's management is not good!

11:42 PM
would u mind sharing more detail upon why #398 five you a 'not good impression' - however i see that the co. start increase the div. pay out , rapidly develop the China retail market, Rolex shop management in China, fr.internet information -start 1st Jewal retail shop business , new flatship shop in Causaway Bay ...etc.

p/s share here or my bolg !!


Wing said...

對398 的印象唔好係因為SARS 過後, 加埋CEPA 及自由行等....零售業復甦時, 集團未能把握呢個機遇, 當時我都有買佢, 但跑輸人地幾條街....

304 係CEPA開始的時候已經好積極開拓大陸市場, 依加已經開始有收成...

398 唔係唔好, 但管理層過於保守, 所以股價升得慢, 但好處係安全囉

304 係內地的零售網, 超過600 個, 398 只係10 個...

我今日都有再睇398 的年報, 派息係增加緊(以前的派息比率過於保守), 大陸業務亦帶動緊盈利上升, 加上估值吸引, 我亦打算買番D架!

股怪 said...

ths for further view expressed.

agree that #398 start no so 保守.
i recently attend the AGM - see the chairman's son in charge of whole meeting => so, may be the 2nd generation will lead the business in more aggreative way.

by the way, i am studying a stock which drop fr. highest of $ 2 to $ 0.75 due to industry wide factor & proved rebound to normal profit level) which with higher discounted to net asset + lower PE + w/grow in China market + long history of > 40 yr when vs #398.
At a latter stage, will post in my bolg. p/s come & share.
