Monday, August 13, 2007

東方電機 (1072)

花旗稱, 哈動今年上半年盈利雖錄得73%強勁增長, 但原因是去年同期盈利疲弱而已; 期內毛利率改善亦帶動盈利增長, 上半年毛利率表現是近期最高水平, 火電及水電產品毛利率達到13.5%及10.7%, 相對該行預測全年為13%及8%, 花旗表示, 哈動業績令市場驚喜的是上半年取得新訂單達到221億人民幣, 按年增長73%, 強勁訂單顯示內地電力設備市場需求強勁, 相信即將公布業績的東方電機(1072.HK)及上海電氣(2727.HK)將可確認此趨勢, 並進一步紓緩市場關注業內潛在放緩情況, 令業內至09年盈利可見能力仍然良好。


CFO said...

I don't like these stocks very much. Income is not stable, difficult to predict and monitor these company performance. Not suitable for Mass investor.

I will prefer those with stable income and reaonable growth shares like CM Bank, Ping On and China Overseas.

Wing said...

Sure, you're right!