投資是一門藝術... (Since 2005.12)
研究完呢份業績及參考各路人馬的資料後, 2628 明顯不是目前的投資首選。對保險公司的認識嚴重不足, 要再下苦功....
你好,我的名字是Milk. 是win28.com的Web Master。我們的公司(上譽投資有限公司[Conview Investment Limited]-網上平台win28.com)主要業務是為個人及機構投資者提供一站式可靠的證券買賣服務。我在網上看到閣下有關金融的blog, 因為我們公司正在開展一個討論財經的blog, 想邀請一些blogger替我們的公司(win28.com入面的blog site)編寫有關財經方面的文章,大致上是一天上載一篇文章及作出適度回應,至於稿費則視乎文章內容而定,如閣下有興趣請回覆此電郵至milk.mau@win28.com ,同時留下閣下的連絡資料如:-電郵:-現有的blog網址:-姓名:-電話:以便作出連絡及跟進,期待著你的回應,謝謝。Mr. MauE-mail: milk.mau@win28.com
Wing, how do you think about the impact of the rice crisis on the economy. According to my logic, the core is crazily deteriorating again.
I'm quite worry about the inflation, HK and China is facing huge pressure due to the pegged dollars.Maybe....the rice crisis is just a start...
good~ i am happy that someone is getting the same logic. :)剛剛露出的一片曙光(中央大發債卷), 又要再次步入黑暗, 還看各國政府如何在呢一個骨牌推倒前截住佢~先憂後喜, 勝於先喜後憂~希望有人深切明白市場係永遠正確反映局勢~一盤精彩對奕, 越演越烈, 請君惜目以待~
The market really got some signals, but I just cant comfirm and don't know the bad news is reflected/digested or not...I'm not willing to be quite bearish, although RMB assets looks attractive...there're still some huge structural problem in the world's economy...
good~ wait for your analysis. :D
Hi Wing,Can you please provide explanation as why 2628 is not the best choice. I would like to learn from you.Thanks a lot.alex
I cant provide detail explainations...you can refer to other blogger's atricles and insurance sector is not my strength.
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你好,我的名字是Milk. 是win28.com的Web Master。我們的公司
(上譽投資有限公司[Conview Investment Limited]-網上平台win28.com)
我在網上看到閣下有關金融的blog, 因為我們公司正在開展一個討論財經的blog,
想邀請一些blogger替我們的公司(win28.com入面的blog site)編寫有關財經方面的文章,
如閣下有興趣請回覆此電郵至milk.mau@win28.com ,同時留下閣下的連絡資料如:
Mr. Mau
E-mail: milk.mau@win28.com
Wing, how do you think about the impact of the rice crisis on the economy.
According to my logic, the core is crazily deteriorating again.
I'm quite worry about the inflation, HK and China is facing huge pressure due to the pegged dollars.
Maybe....the rice crisis is just a start...
good~ i am happy that someone is getting the same logic. :)
剛剛露出的一片曙光(中央大發債卷), 又要再次步入黑暗, 還看各國政府如何在呢一個骨牌推倒前截住佢~
先憂後喜, 勝於先喜後憂~
一盤精彩對奕, 越演越烈, 請君惜目以待~
The market really got some signals, but I just cant comfirm and don't know the bad news is reflected/digested or not...
I'm not willing to be quite bearish, although RMB assets looks attractive...there're still some huge structural problem in the world's economy...
good~ wait for your analysis. :D
Hi Wing,
Can you please provide explanation as why 2628 is not the best choice. I would like to learn from you.
Thanks a lot.
I cant provide detail explainations...you can refer to other blogger's atricles and insurance sector is not my strength.
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