龍工 (3339)
公司裝載機在國內的市場佔有率第一, 達20%, 毛利率最高, 但估值最低
最新投產的產仍未到達規模效應, 盈利被財務費用拖低, 現價9倍PE, 4%股息, 十分吸引
今日公司於5.78回購160 萬股, 涉資9百萬, 利好!
未來一兩年的增張只會大約10-20%, 但會持續受惠內地的龐大基建項目, $9-10 的目標價應該不難達到
財經消息 中國龍工(3339)主席夫婦上月三度增持2000萬股 持股已逾54%
財經消息 中國龍工(3339)獲GIC增持258.5萬股 持股量升至超過5%
但finance cost 我睇唔明,照上半年業績, 由於上半年年結日股價高企, 所以Fair Value of CB升, 故錄得高額finance cost, 下半年年結股價已大跌, 斷估fair value 亦應跟隨大跌, 就算沒有gain from fair value lost, 最少亦應write back 上半年的fair value gain,我本來以為fair value change 會令公司本年業績有所增長,現大跌眼鏡。
另外cb係用美元計算,人仔上升亦應減少CB的fair value , 等待年報出來再作分析。
將fair value adjust 因素扣除出黎先係core 盈利
之前兩年既業績可見, 龍工對鋼價上升非常敏感, 裝載機的原料係熱軋及中厚類鋼板, 今年頭3個月升幅已比去年多一倍, 要睇加唔加到價, 加唔價產量升幾多都冇用, 依個時候, 有大股東增持信心大好多.
十萬個風險, 避之則吉!
627, 租金, obviously~
咁我想再問下...bossini..baleno..and u-right...在這3間中..邊間最值得投資..及會有d咩風險....thxxxxxxxx大家...
of course 321!
there're many different risks....
Two main risks are Cost and Demand.
But at least have less corporate governance issue compared with Bossini and u-right.
Yes ar, the earnings stability of Texwinca (321) is the highest between the three. However, interestign to say, the most volatile operation (weakest link) of Texwinca is its "Retail business (Baleno)".
It's textile business is quite prudent and the management has been acting quite well against hiking cotton price.
十萬個風險, 避之則吉!!就是!!呵呵!
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