Thursday, May 25, 2006

聯想 (992)

份業績都幾得人驚...做一千億的生意, 2億都賺唔到

睇黎跌落$2.0 先有支持

不過若果未來,只要透過集體採購, 每節省1%的成本, 盈利增張可以高達一倍, 呢點要睇聯想日後的議價能力

<匯港通訊> 聯想集團(0992)公布截至06年3月31日止全年業績,錄得股東應佔溢利1.73億



Anonymous said...

Eat bulky IBM PC, the lost is much more than you and me expected in fact. We can wait for IBM to buy back the whole Lenovo later.

Anonymous said...

Another problem is losing a lot of loyal customers because of fearing of losing important information from Thinkpad with their Lenovo tools. Subspected software including new Lenovo Thinkpad BIOS, Software Installer and Access Connection 4.12.

Because of Data Safety, many US companies had switched to use Dell and HP Notebook.