Wednesday, December 13, 2006


現價50, 仍然被低估, 但市場正在為它作重估的過程, 最少都應該值55

我預測未期仍然極有機會派發3.0 股息, 加上有機會拆細, 冇沽出的理由!






阿爾伯特 said...

Any Updated View on TPV (903)?? I know that you've some insight for the counter.......

Wing said...

經營風險仍然頗大, 未係時候吸納, 但長線價值開始浮現, 仲要睇實鴻海旗下的群創的表現先。

阿爾伯特 said...

"鴻海旗下的群創" refer to the shipment & ASP movement?

Anyway, what I have heard from the market is that "The LCD Monitor Price" in general falling faster than estimation. Although it is natural to assume lower ASP over time, surprised falling hurt the margin, even for assemblers like TPV (903).

Besides, the momentum for LCD Monitors may slow down; partly due to its relatively high market share in the monitor market (i.e. For every 10 monitors, at least 5 or 6 are LCDs). I may guess the product shipment to grow at a rate of 8% to 10% YOY ahead.

Undoubtedly, CRT is a sunset business, outlook depends on the ASP falling rate, shipment declining rate and margin...A source of uncertainty, race between "market-share expansion" & "industry size contraction"

Growth engine lies on LCD TVs, but it seems that the margin to be volatile, hurting the profitability.

Using a quick-&-dirty forecast, at $5.05, forward diluted P/E could be around 9x to 10x, which should be near to the low end of it P/E band (7x to 14x). This could imply "長線價值" as you've mentioned.

However, the growth prospects may not be as appealing as few years ago; and I am not sure whether long-term valuation could return to 13x/14x or not.......

Competitions from EMS giants like "Hon Hai" could be further risk.....

Anyway, thanks a lot!